
Showing posts from May, 2020

Let's Create a Website

                                                             Hello everyone ,Today we are having a very special talk to with all of you. What is Website? Why We need Website? How We can Create or Develop a Website? So Yes We all Know about Websites ,Website's are  a collection of  web pages  and related content that is identified by a common  domain name  and published on at least one  web server . Website is 24/7 online running office for us. All publicly accessible websites collectively constitute the  World Wide Web . There are also private websites that can only be accessed on a  private network , such as a company's internal website for its employees. So We in today's world we all need website for our own reasons ,they could be as: News Education Commerce Entertainment Social Networking So for these purposes we all require to have website.Main importance of website is to Showcase the product and services of our business. Website's can help you to find growth as wel